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Celebrating University Faculty & Students

University Campus

At Del Mar Fans & Lighting, education is something that is truly valued. We created the Education Center portion of our website to help our customers expand their knowledge on ceiling fans and lighting related topics. We feel that learning is an important part of life. This being said, Del Mar Fans & Lighting would like to take the time to honor the students, faculty and staff of the universities around the nation that are making strides and dedicating their time and resources to the education of others. We at Del Mar Fans & Lighting would like to dedicate our resources towards helping others. Learn more about the Del Mar Fans & Lighting university program on your university's website.

Take the time to shop through the variety of products on our website that include everything from powerful Hunter ceiling fans to elegant chandeliers.

Conserving Energy and Adding Style to Your Home

Everyone desires to save energy in their home and money on their electric bill every month. Did you know that using a ceiling fan year round can help with these energy savings? Using a ceiling fan during the summer months can save you as much as 40 percent on your air conditioning bills. By simply reversing your ceiling fan blade direction to clockwise in the winter months, you can save as much as 15 percent on your heating bills. Not only are you saving money on your energy costs, but by choosing a ceiling fan with lights, your new fan can act as the main light source in a room.

Don't worry, the ways to save energy don't have to end with a new ceiling fan. Choose an LED light bulb for your light fixtures. LED bulbs last much longer than standard light bulbs and also consume less energy.Lighting is a great way to add a decorative element to your home, or create a certain mood in a room. For example, in many homes, the kitchen is a high traffic, central location. Track lighting is a great way to see that your kitchen is stylish while entertaining, but well-lit while cooking. A beautiful pendant light over a sink or kitchen island could be the decorative element that ties the whole room together.